Igbo Delicacy


Ogbono Soup also known as Draw Soup makes eating Fufu Recipes so easy because of its slimy nature which helps the lumps of fufu slide down. If your kids do not like Okra Soup because of the chunks of Okra, then try Ogbono Soup, they will surely love it. See ingredients after cut.

Ingredients for Ogbono Soup

  • Assorted Meat and Fish: Beef, Shaki, DryFish, Stock Fish 
  • Ogbono Seeds: 2 handfuls 
  • Palm Oil: 3 Cooking spoons 
  • Vegetable: Spinach (you can also use Pumpkin leaves or even Bitterleaf) 
  • Crayfish: 1 handful 
  • Pepper and Salt - To taste 
  • 1 medium size Onion 
  • 2 Stock cubes (Maggi/Knorr) 
  • Grind the Ogbono seeds
  • Cut the vegetable
  • Grind the crayfish 
  • Cook the assorted meat with stock cubes and seasoning(salt/pepper) to taste
  • If you are using "shaki" for the dish...remember to cook it first before adding the other meat, as it takes longer time to get soft.
  • Boil water and set aside.
  • Put palm oil in a clean cooking pot, place on a cooker and heat to melt.
  • Put off the heat after melting and add grinded ogbono, use your cooking spoon to dissolve your ogbono.
  • Add your meat and fish stock to the ogbono and palm oil paste and stir till the paste absorbs the meat stock.
  • Add little quantity and repeat stirring process.
  • Cover the pot and leave to simmer for atleast 20minutes on low heat.
  • With onterval of 3-5 minutes, stir the soup, scraping the ogbono from the base of the pot.
  • The ogbono takes about 20minutes to get done.
  • After 20 minutes, add meat and fish, crayfish,pepper and salt to taste.
  • Add little water if the ogbonoi gets thicker while cooking, and stir well.
  • Cover and allow the soup and contents to be well heated up.
  • Ogbono can be served without vegetables.
  •  TO SERVE WITH VEGETABLES: after the soup has been well heated up, add the vegetables, stir well and turnoff heat.(leave to stand for about 5minutes).
  • This dish can be served along with eba, fufu, pounded yam, semovita, amala, tuwo shinkafa, agidi.

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