Other Nigerian Delicacies


Ekpang Nkwukwo is one of the Nigerian cocoyam recipes made with grated cocoyam, water yam, cocoyam leaves and periwinkle. It is a Nigerian food recipe native to the South South Eastern Nigeria – the Cross River and Akwa Ibom States of Nigeria. Ekpang Nkwukwo is so special that it is reserved for special occasions. - See more after cut

Ingredients for Ekpang Nkwukwo

  • Cocoyam – 500g
  • Water Yam – 250g (Optional)
  • Vegetable – A big bunch of tender Cocoyam leaves | Pumpkin leaves & Scent leaves (Nchanwu)
  • Palm oil – a generous quantity
  • Crayfish – a handful
  • 3 medium bulb Onions
  • Periwinkles – 2 milk cups | 300g if shelled or 500g of unshelled periwinkle
  • Assorted Beef & Offal
  • Dried fish
  • Snail (Optional)
  • Pepper & Salt to taste
  • Seasoning – 2 Maggi / Knorr cubes

Before you cook the Nigerian Ekpang Nkwukwo

  • Wash and cook the beef, offals and dry fish with the seasoning till done.
  • Peel, wash and grate the cocoyam and water yam (if you will be using this). Mix the two together and set aside.
  • Prepare the pot by rubbing a generous amount of red palm oil on the insides of the pot.
  • Wash the tender cocoyam leaves and tear into medium pieces. If using pumpkin leaves, wash these and set aside.
  • Blend the pepper and crayfish and set aside.
  • Wash the shelled or unshelled periwinkles.
  • Wash and slice the scent leaves into tiny pieces.

Cooking directions for Nigerian Ekpang Nkwukwo

  • If you will be using unshelled periwinkles, place these at the base of the well-oiled pot.
  • Scoop a small quantity of the grated cocoyam into a piece of the torn cocoyam leaf or one pumpkin leaf. Wrap the cocoyam with the leaf and place in the pot. Repeat this procedure till all the grated cocoyam (and water yam) is exhausted.
  • Add the pepper, crayfish, onions, shelled periwinkles and assorted beef.
  • Add hot water to the level of the pot contents and set to cook on medium heat for 20 minutes.
  • Now, add the scent leaves, a generous amount of palm oil and salt to taste. Cook for more 5 minutes and the Ekpang Nkwukwo is done.
  • Leave to stand for 5 minutes and stir.

That's how to cook the Nigerian Ekpang Nkwukwo.


The "Agidi Jollof" is mostly eaten in Nigeria as snack and sometimes as light lunch or dinner. It is der4ived from the Agidi/Eko but with some additional ingredients.

  • 200g of corn flour(akamu/ogi)
  • 250ml of tomato puree
  • 300g of soft chewable bones(biscuit bones)
  • 1 large onion bulb
  • 1 big stock cube
  •  Pepper(fresh habanero/scotch bonnet or dry ground cayenne)  and salt to taste
  • One leveled teaspoon of curry powder
  • 200ml of cold water
  • 200ml of hot water
  • Uma Leaves "Thaumatococcus Danielli" for wrapping the Agidi..(aluminum foil or plastic plates can also be used).
  • Wash the uma leaves with plenty of cold water and set aside.
  • Chop the onions into fine big chunks.
  • Pound/grind pepper if u are not using the ground cayenne pepper
to prepare the stew
  1. Put the biscuit bones, the chopped onions and the stock cube in a pot. Add water to the level of the bones and add water.
  2. When done, take out the onions and add  the salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Add the tomato puree and the curry powder.
  4. Stir and simmer, then set aside for later.
to prepare Agidi Jollof
  • Mix the Ogi will the 200ml of water( the water should be introduced slowly to avoid lumps)
  • Add hot water to the ogi mixture, stir continuously till the mixture starts to thicken.
  • Put the thickened mixture on a low heat cooker ad continue stirring till it solidifies.
  • Add enough quantity  Agidi stew(without the bones) to the Agidi Jollof to give the rich red colour .
  • Add a few drops of water to mix and leave to simmer.
  • Mix the Agidi Jollof with the water, Dish into the Uma leaves and wrap up.
  • Place on the kitchen table to cool to a suitable temperature.
This dish should be served with fried plantain or yam, alongside a chilled drink.

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