Preparation of Ewa


  • Beans (Brown/Black eyed): 2 cigar cups | approx. 500g
  • Red Palm Oil: about 5 cooking spoons
  • Plum Tomatoes: 5 big ones
  • Crayfish (a handful)
  • Onions – 1 big bulb
  • Pepper & Salt to taste
  • Seasoning – 2 Maggi/Knorr cubes

  • Soak  beans in cold water for 5 hours.
  • Boil the beans for 5 minutes and discard the water. 
  • Rinse the beans in cold water and set aside. 
  • This soaking and pre-cooking process reduces the gas inducing elements. 
  • Chop the onions, grind the crayfish and pound the pepper. 
  • Blend the tomatoes and boil the tomato puree till all the water has dried from it.
  • Pre-cook the diced onions without addition of water to caramelize it a bit to save time during frying.
  • Cook the beans till done. 
  • The beans needs to be very soft.(it is preferable to use a pressure cooker if you have to save time.)
  • When the beans is done, add salt, leave to dry up all the water and set aside.
  • Pour the palm oil into a separate dry pot.
  • Allow to heat(medium heat) up till the oil starts smoking and the red colour changes to clear.
  • Use vegetable oil and when it is very hot, I add a small amount of palm oil.
  •  Now add the precooked onions and stir continuously till the onions is fully caramelized and dark in colour.
  •  Add the parboiled tomato puree and stir continuously till you cannot tell the difference between the tomatoes and onions.
  • Add the pepper, crayfish, stock cubes and salt to taste. 
  • You can also add a little water at this point if your want.

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